Friday, February 9, 2018


In the hot drought day,I looked to heaven
In the ever flowing destiny,I looked to tears 
Image result for peace
Image result for povertyI saw a black terror bear,looking for me
I beg for tears and life and myself 

He chose the dreading cannon and aiming me 
I chose the brook for my life 
I tried to jump, and saw the mirroring of d'bear 
He pushed me back to his shoulders;and me sobbing 
Image result for terrorism

Not less than a bit, I said to me 
I looked to the heaven; saw my gods 
Waving their hands and welcoming me 
With the warmest hug i closed my eyes 

In the hot rainy day,I looked to heaven 
With the painful shot; I left the horror land 
I rest in the grace of the world
A day would come ; I may reborn or not 
But someone will make the world better 

                  -Anakha Raj

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